Hi, list,

I think we're missing this information (about --parachute, --pid-file,
--parachute and --panic-script) in the user guide, don't we?

Below is the possible init.d script which we could add to contrib:




test -x $BINDIR/$MP && test -x $BINDIR/$MR || exit 0

case "$1" in
    echo -n "Starting MMSC: mmsproxy"
    $BINDIR/$MP --daemonize --parachute --pid-file $PIDFILES/$MP.pid -- $CONF
    sleep 1
    echo -n " mmsrelay"
    $BINDIR/$MR --daemonize --parachute --pid-file $PIDFILES/$MR.pid -- $CONF
    echo "."

    echo -n "Stopping MMSC: mmsrelay"
    kill `cat $PIDFILES/$MR.pid`
    sleep 1
    echo -n " mmsproxy"
    kill `cat $PIDFILES/$MP.pid`
    echo "."

    # We don't have support for this yet.
    exit 1

    $0 stop
    sleep 1
    $0 start

    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|force-reload}"
    exit 1


exit 0

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Malysh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mar 18, 2006 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: Prevent losing SMSs via smsbox - make a program monitor
To: users@kannel.org


why always go a complicated way?? Did you read userguide?? Just use
something like this:

bearerbox --daemonize --parachute
smsbox --daemonize --parachute

This will start bearerbox and smsboxc as daemon and also start parachute
process (watcher). If box then crashed parachute process will restart
child process automatically.


fred schrieb:
> heres some extracts of perl code that should help with ideas....(extracts
> because the full code is
> particular to our conf files and environment etc which is off-topic and i'm
> not going to go into it here)
> I'm sure you should be able to embelish it with code
> to suit your environment.......
> .......
>    my $pid = startProcess($execList->{$key});
>    if ($DEBUG) { printf STDOUT "startProcess($key)\n"; }
>    syslog(LOG_INFO, "starting process %s", $key);
>    $pids{$pid} = $key;
> ...........
> # do an eternal loop wait(2)ing for child processes to exit, and restart
> them.
> #
> for (;;)
> {
>  my $pid = wait;
>  sleep 1;
>  if ($DEBUG) { printf STDOUT "Child process has died - PID=$pid
> KEY=$pids{$pid}\n" };
>  syslog(LOG_INFO, "Child process has died - PID=$pid KEY=$pids{$pid} -
> restarting");
>  # a pid of < 0 means no children exist.
>  #
>  if ($pid > 0)
>  {
>   if (defined $pids{$pid})
>  {
>    my $key = $pids{$pid};
>    undef $pids{$pid};
>    if ($DEBUG) { print "Process $pid died $?\n"; }
>    # parse the config again (in case something changed - like a version
> number or path to binary or such)
>    #
>    require "$CONFDIR/umq.conf";
>    $pid = startProcess($execList->{$key});
>    $pids{$pid} = $key;
>    if ($DEBUG) { printf STDOUT "Started process %d\n", $pid; }
>   }
>   else
>   {
>    # who's child is this again? Not ours...
>    #
>    if ($DEBUG) { printf STDOUT "nasty %ld\n", $?; }
>   }
>  }
>  else {
>   # this is a serious situation - no children exist - it's likely that the
> system is thrashing
>   # we'll try 20 loops first before giving up totally...
>   #
>   if ($no_kids_found++ > 1)
>   {
>    exit(2);
>   }
>  }
> }
> # Start a process given the details in the hash reference.
> #
> sub startProcess
> {
>  my ($details) = @_;
>  my $pid = 0;
>  if (($details->{RUN} eq 'true') || ($IGNORERUNVAL))
>  {
>   if (($pid = fork()) == 0)
>  {
>    if ($DEBUG) { printf STDOUT "cmd> %s\n", $details->{COMMAND}; }
>    # the second exec thing here is for bash - we don't want an unnecessary
> shall hanging around
>    #
>    exec "exec " . $details->{COMMAND};   // this this argument is like
> ".../bearerbox ../conf/kannel-voda.conf >>
> /var/log/kannel/bearerbox-voda.log2>&1"
>   }
>  }
>  else
>  {
>   printf STDERR "RUN values for $BINDGROUP are not all set to 'true' and -i
> option not chosen. Exiting.\n";
>   exit(2);
>  }
>  return $pid;
> }
> we use this for both the bearerbox and smsbox process.
> Any way this should be enough to get you started on your own u beaut program
> monitor.
> I'm assuming perl knowledge here, so good luck!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hillel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Kannel Users" <users@kannel.org>
> Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 11:37 PM
> Subject: Prevent losing SMSs via smsbox
>> Hi,
>> Kannel has a flaw in that if the bearerbox is up but the smsbox is down,
>> SMSs will be lost.
>> They will not be retried as only the smsbox handles the retries.
>> Does anyone have a script they can send to the user list that they are
>> prepared to share, to ensure the smsbox is up.
>> This does not happen often that it is down and the bearerbox is up, but
> when
>> it does, all the SMSs are lost until you realise it is down.
>> Thanks


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