Updated CVS accordingly. Many thanks


On Aug 25, 2006, at 11:10, Stefan König wrote:

> Hi there...
> I just found / fixed a bug in the mmsbox:
> mbuni-1.1.0/mmsbox$ diff bearerbox.c.old bearerbox.c
> ---------------------- CUT HERE -------------
> 188c188
> <         mresp = mm7_make_resp(mreq, status, msgid);
> ---
>>         mresp = mm7_make_resp(mreq, status, NULL);
> ---------------------- CUT HERE -------------
> Description:
> The Response-XML generated here is the DeliverRsp for a DeliverReq...
> ...according to the standard there should be no "MessageID"-Field  
> in the
> SOAP-body.
> You may look it up in SPEC:
> http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/23_series/23.140/23140-6d0.zip
> (Page 148)
> It is also not allowed in MM7Version 5.3.0...
> Hint:
> mm7_make_resp(..); generates a MessageID, if the last parameter isnt
> "false"...
> ...see "mmlib/mms_mm7soap.c" (lines 1007-1038):
> MSoapMsg_t *mm7_make_resp(MSoapMsg_t *mreq, int status, Octstr *msgid)
> {
> .
> .
>      if (msgid)
>           http_header_add(mresp->envelope, "MessageID",
> octstr_get_cstr(msgid));
> .
> .
> }
> Hint#2:
> the method call at "mmsbox/bearerbox.c:201" uses "NULL" as last  
> parameter:
>           mresp = mm7_make_resp(mreq, status, NULL);
> So "msgid" should _not_ be checked for empty-string-value instead...
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