
after upgrading to current cvs version it seems that logging doesn't
work as it's supposed to:

my settings are:

group = core
log-file = /var/log/mbuni/mmsbox.log
access-log = /var/log/mbuni/mmsbox-access.log
log-level = 0

After running mbuni I see:

$ bin/mmsbox etc/mbuni/mmsbox.conf
2010-11-26 11:36:53 [6652] [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = -1, log_file = <none>, log_lvl 
= 0
2010-11-26 11:36:53 [6652] [0] INFO: Added logfile `/var/log/mbuni/mmsbox.log' w
ith level `134976513'.

Any advice?

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