On 05/10/2016 10:42 AM, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
Bernd Zeimetz <be...@bzed.de>:
The sane way would be to use systemd to ensure that they keep running.
If systemd eats ressources on your machine, maybe deactivating the
journal will help.
Do you mean that systemd does automatic restart of service daemons?

If so, I agree that might be worthwhile.  I would welcome a pointer
to a set of service files I might use as a model.

I note, however, tht the Debian/Ubunto packaging of Classic NTP does not
do this.  Instead, it installs SysV-init rc files which it expects systemd
to pick up and use.

I'm dealing with a lot of movomh parts here.  Tweaking /etc/rc.local is a
solution I know will work.

Just did a quick test of this...


From the above I added "Restart=on-failure" to the following service file.

Killing gpsd with "kill -SIGABRT <pid>" does indeed cause systemd to restart the daemon.

Currently I'm running gpsd from my home directory as I've been experimenting with some build options as a learning adventure.

cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/gpsd.service

Description=GPS (Global Positioning System) Daemon
# Needed with chrony SOCK refclock

ExecStart=/home/mike/gpsd/gpsd -N $GPSD_OPTIONS $OPTIONS $DEVICES



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