Mark Atwood <>:
> And while I was not specifically thinking about "benchmarking different
> ntp.conf setups and measuring comparative offsets and jitter", I was
> thinking that it is generally true that the unknown unknowns start turning
> into known unknowns when actual reality gets to have a seat at the table.
> I saw that there was evidence that there was quite a lot "we didn't know
> that we didn't know", and also some evidence that there were "things we
> knew that weren't so".

Well, you were right. I had the same feelings, but I've been spending
so much bandwidth constantly dealing with the next urgent issue that I
haven't had a lot left to think strategically about them.

This is a problem.  I know I need to clear the decks enough that I can lift
my eyes off what's immediately in front of me, but my mailbox backlog never
seems to get shorter.  It's a subtle problem with working with helpful,
competent people - they're firehosing help and competence at me!

I'm not complaining, exactly.  There are certainly worse fates.

But I'm going to need to do some ruthless task triage.  Including turning down
or deferring ideas I know are good because there isn't enough me to do them.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>
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