Yo Hal!

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 13:26:38 -0700
Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net> wrote:

> > 12:09:40    gemiller
> >                      | "killall ntpd; sleep 1; ntpd -N -g" 
> >                      | screws up the clock for over a day,
> >                      | much better without the -g   
> You have either found a very interesting bug or you are on a wild
> goose chase.

Intersting, but not new.  I've been complaining about btpd startup
for a while.  -g is just one aspect of it.

> The -g switch is supposed to be very simple.  It allows a large
> initial step. Other than that, it shouldn't do anything.

Sadly, simple things have bad consequences.  See all my previous posts
about nntpd bad startup behavior.

> Are you getting steps at all?  grep your ntpd.log for "clock_step".
> It needs lots of logging turned on.  You can test it with the bump
> option in ntpfrob.

Can you tell me which logging?  Then I can test for this case.

> steps are reasonably common at first-boot.  The size of the step
> depends upon how good your TOY/CMOS clock is.

RasPis do not have CMOS clocks.  So the startup step is huge.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

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