Yo Achim!

On Wed, 19 Sep 2018 21:17:53 +0200
Achim Gratz via devel <devel@ntpsec.org> wrote:

> Gary E. Miller via devel writes:
> > I've been working with RHEL for a few months now.  Their insistence
> > on one version of every library is killing them.  When just one
> > package needs an old library that holds back ALL the other
> > packages.  Which cascades, so now all their packages are old.  A
> > real train wreck.  
> No it doesn't, not if the libraries are properly API versioned.

Agreed.  For example, Gentoo has no problem here.

>  As
> for RHEL using older versions of things, you'd need to understand
> what their target market is.  (Hint: you are not and you're not a
> paying customer either.)

Hint: I am a paying RHEL customer, so I am maybe not their target, but
they got me in their sights anyway.  Unwillingly.

AFAIK, their target customers is lazy sysadmins that like to say
they are fully patched, without having to ever apply patches.

> > Long, long, ago, all programs were static.  It made it really easy
> > to move binaries around.  Debug was easy.  Multiple library
> > versions were not a problem.  
> Look, been there, done that.  That was fun when you wanted to change
> one kernel variable and had to build a new kernel, then take the whole
> machine down for a reboot and wait an hour for it to come back up.  Or
> not.

Uh, how did we get to kernels and rebooting?  Does not apply here.

> > Then came hard disks.  Everyone knew that dynamic linking was
> > slower, and caused many problems, but it saved very expensive disk
> > space.  
> […]
> You are missing the point, entirely.  Dynamic linking is not about
> saving space or making things slower or faster.

Really?  I guess we wasted a lot of time in meetings for the wrong

>  It's an essential
> part of configuration management for a system that's built from many
> parts that are built and updated independently.

Say what?  Anyone doing configuration in binaries is crazy.  That is
for config files.

>  Static linking
> cannot solve that problem.

Agreed.  So why did you bring it up?  Let us shoot that red-herring
right now.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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