Yo Udo!

A capture of the raw NMEA would be helpful.

On Sat, 12 Feb 2022 06:52:47 +0100
Udo van den Heuvel via devel <devel@ntpsec.org> wrote:

> On 12-02-2022 06:45, Hal Murray wrote:
> > 
> > devel@ntpsec.org said:  
> >> Is this an effect? I get loads of these:
> >> Feb  6 00:00:28 srfplnk2 ntpd[510014]: REFCLOCK: NMEA(0) date
> >> advanced  by 0 weeks, WNRO  
> > 
> > That's a bug.  Looks like it's alternating between 0 and 1024.
> > 
> > Which sentence(s) are you using?  What's your server line?  (the
> > mode part) I'm guessing you don't have one.  Try adding "mode 1"
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for the report.  
> ##NMEA zonder PPS
> refclock nmea unit 0 mode 7 flag3 1 flag2 0 flag1 0 time1 0.00000006 
> time2 0.260 baud 4800
> #
> ## PPS van dezelfde NMEA GPS
> refclock pps unit 0 flag2 0
> # vuurmuur
> server minpoll 4 iburst
> Udo
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