On Mon, 18 Dec 2023, Hal Murray via devel wrote:
James said:
It sounds like a race condition in our wscript files or waf. How willing are
you to sink time into this, I think it's a losing proposition.

I've got a --jobs=1 in my script.  That was added to make sure the printout
was easy to read when there were compiler errors.

It's usually best not to do that unconditionally, since it makes things a lot slower. Better to use the usual parallelism initially, then repeat with "-j1" if it's determined to be needed. For example, here the parallel build from "git clean -dxf" takes ~12.1 seconds, while -j1 makes it take ~47.7 seconds.

Note that -j1 doesn't guarantee correctness; it only guarantees consistency. The typical issue with problems of this form is missing dependencies. With -j1 there's a consistent build order, which may or may not be accidentally correct if dependencies are missing. With the default parallel builds, the build order becomes variable, but should still respect declared dependencies.

If you build with -j1 and -v, you may be able to see what's expecting clockwork to exist without depending on it.

It's possible to use pdb in waf if you're sufficiently masochistic. :-)

Fred Wright
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