(I previously replied to Nikolay only -- re-sending with devel@ included)

On 05/12/2015 02:36 AM, Nikolay Tenev wrote:
Hello devs,

In my project I wanted to make every OpenVZ container to use for a private directory (VE_PRIVATE) separated block device (HDD partition, lvm volume, NFS share, etc.). To use wrapper script over vzctl was one option, but PRE_CREATE hook, in which to create, mkfs and mount LVM volume would be even better.

So, I'm not a developer, but using code from POST_CREATE hook I was able to create the PRE_CREATE one, which can be used as the other hooks e.g.

add in /etc/vz/dists/ default
PRE_CREATE = precreate.sh

and during
vzctl --create ...

it will call /etc/vz/dists/scripts/precreate.sh with VEID as argument

Nope. These scripts are per-distribution scripts, i.e. they are targeted for
various distro-specific things, such as setting IP addresses etc.

What you need is a global script, not dependent on CT distro. I suggest
a precreate.sh script similar to prestart.sh one (for details, see commit

Currently I have a patch to vzctl master branch which implements this PRE_CREATE hook and I'm ready to share it.

So my questions are:
- Do you find this for interesting and/or useful?
- If 'yes', what is the right way to send this patch: here, by email; or to create pull request in git repo?

The best way would be to redo as advised above and send a patch to devel@ list.


Best regards!

Nikolay Tenev

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