In the same file, I found more statuses and they are for Kdump and SElinux.
Could anyone please tell me if all of these should be translated or should be left in English?



On 06/18/2014 09:00 AM, Yuko Katabami wrote:
Hello all,

I am a Brisbane-based translator working on oVirt 3.5 localization project along with 5 other translators, each specialized in a different locale. Our localization cycle is just kicked off and I would like to post our questions to this mailing list, just as I did for 3.4. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help us by answering questions, so that we can ensure accuracy of our translations, based on the context.

Here is our first question.

**Resource ID:*** SELinuxMode___PERMISSIVE*
**Strings:*** Permissive
*Question:* Could someone explain to us how this appears in the Admin Portal? (we currently do not have a demo environment and cannot check it on the screen). Translators usually leave SELinux modes untranslated as they appear in the command line in English, however this string starts with the uppercase letter "P". We just wonder if this is used as descriptive or it refers exactly the "permissive" mode as shown in the terminal.

Kind regards,

Yuko Katabami

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