Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-06-24-13.11.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-06-24-13.11.txt

#ovirt: oVirt Node Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by fabiand at 13:11:08 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-06-24-13.11.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (fabiand, 13:11:46)
  * Stable Release (3.0.6)  (fabiand, 13:12:31)
  * Next Release (3.1)  (fabiand, 13:12:40)
  * Other Items  (fabiand, 13:12:48)

* Action Item Review  (fabiand, 13:12:54)
  * LINK:
    (fabiand, 13:13:01)
  * LINK: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/29085/   (fabiand_, 13:18:40)
  * A patch to ovirt-node was required to fix some vdsm related bug,
    this bumps the stable release to 3.0.6  (fabiand_, 13:19:07)

* Next Release (3.1)  (fabiand, 13:22:20)
  * apuimedo_ is contributing patches to fix some corner cases of the
    persistence model  (fabiand, 13:25:38)
  * ACTION: Node team once again to do a review sprint  (fabiand,

* Other Items  (fabiand, 13:32:03)
  * First TestDay is on July 1st  (fabiand, 13:35:46)

Meeting ended at 13:39:12 UTC.

Action Items
* Node team once again to do a review sprint

Action Items, by person
  * Node team once again to do a review sprint

People Present (lines said)
* fabiand (53)
* fabiand_ (23)
* apuimedo_ (12)
* rbarry (7)
* clarkee (6)
* ovirtbot (4)
* jboggs (3)
* ewoud (1)
* jboggs` (1)
* bkp (1)
* eedri (1)

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