On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 03:11:51PM +0300, Yevgeny Zaspitsky wrote:
> On 17/08/14 12:15, Lior Vernia wrote:
> >
> >On 15/08/14 12:55, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> >>On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 11:52:41AM -0400, Yevgeny Zaspitsky wrote:
> >>>Hi All,
> >>>
> >>>The proposed feature will allow defining an arbitrary network in the DC as 
> >>>the management network for the cluster, which in its turn will allow 
> >>>assigning different VLANs for the management networks in the same DC.
> >>>
> >>>Feature page can be found here - 
> >>>http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Management_Network_As_A_Role .
> >>>
> >>>Please take a look into the page especially into "Open issues" section. 
> >>>I'd like to have your opinions on that.
> >>May I ask why you change the default management network from ovirtmgmt
> >>to "Management"? (And why the upercase M?)
> >I think what Yevgeny meant to write was that this MIGHT be an
> >interesting opportunity to eliminate the difference in mgmt network
> >naming between oVirt and RHEV, which will facilitate moving between them
> >(if users either find that they require or no longer require Red Hat
> >support).
> >
> >Assuming that it's possible to make this change without affecting
> >existing deployments, which I think it is, this sounds good to me
> >(although not necessarily "Management").
> Lior, thank you for making my things clearer.
> Uniforming is a "nice to have" part of the feature, certainly isn't its core
> part.

In that case, I prefer to have "ovirtmgmt" everywhere, or alternatively
move to "default". As Lior aluded, it would be quite confusing to have a
host with a "management" network defined, but has another network
serving as the management netwotk.

> >
> >Keep in mind that once the management network is just a role, the
> >default network appearing in oVirt is potentially just that - a default
> >network, like the default DC and cluster, aimed at making a first setup
> >easier. It is no longer (necessarily) the management network that has to
> >be present due to business logic constraints.
> >
> >>Regarding your open question: "Creating new cluster would have to
> >>receive the new parameter (management network)" This new parameter
> >>should be kept optional, with a default value of ovirtmgmt. This way, a
> >>user that is unaware of the new feature, would see no change in
> >>functionality.
> >I agree that this parameter should probably not be mandatory, in fact
> >I'm not sure that it should exist at all. There are definitely other
> >alternatives and I would expect a more thorough discussion of this and
> >of other flows.
> >
> >Let's imagine a new cluster is created, and nothing happens by default.
> >Maybe the right thing to do would just be to endow all special roles
> >upon the first network assigned to the cluster, and allow users to
> >change it later as they see fit?
> >
> >Or maybe it's okay to have a cluster without any management network, and
> >just have all hosts added to it non-operational until users choose one?
> >Installation should still technically succeed because a host is added by
> >supplying an IP address or FQDN (oVirt might still say that the
> >installation failed in this case as the management network wasn't
> >configured - in which case maybe we should change this behavior).
> >Successive Setup Networks operations will fail while no management
> >network is attached to the host.
> >
> IMHO having additional parameter in "create new cluster" is the smallest API
> break. The new parameter could be optional (with "ovirtmgmt" as the default
> value) and in case that the network does not exist, it will be created upon
> creating the cluster. That way we'll keep the API compatibility in tact.
> Allowing creating cluster with no management network will have much wider
> impact (which is also API backward compatibility break).
> >>The feature page should discuss the possibility of chaning the
> >>management role. Is it supported after there are hosts in the cluster?
> >>If we allow that, there's a bit of complexity. The management network's
> >>gateway is used as the default route of each host. If you change the
> >>role, all hosts should be notified (with a new setupNetwork command).
> >>
> >>I think that the cleanest solution would be to allow editing, but report
> >>the hosts as out-of-sync. This approach requires a Vdsm-side change - it
> >>would need to report which of its network is the default route.
> >>
> >I'm not a fan of sending out batch host operations on the basis of a
> >network cluster role change - this isn't something that is currently
> >associated with role changes.
> >
> >The easiest thing would be to block the action if any hosts are active
> >in the cluster - I'm not sure this is a bad idea, as I don't think the
> >management network will be changed often.

> Blocking will reduce the feature usability even though it happens rarely.

> >The second easiest thing to do would be nothing - let the hosts move to
> >non-operational if they don't have the new management network
> >configured, or stay active if they do, but that will still leave their
> >default route the way it was (this added complexity is why it's only the
> >second easiest).

That was my suggestion - just mark these hosts as unsync'ed. Let the
user decide when and where to re-sync default routing.

> >
> >What is the rationale behind the coupling between management network and
> >default routing? That it is the one network that is guaranteed to work?

Indeed. And backward compatibility, too - before we had source routing
we had all routing done via ovirtmgmt, not only default one.

> >Maybe it would be a good idea to decouple them and allow to supply a
> >default route for a host independently?

Usually I love to supply users with knobs to play with, but I find it a
bit hard to find the usefulness of this one.
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