----- Original Message -----
> From: "Adam Litke" <ali...@redhat.com>
> To: devel@ovirt.org
> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 9:32:55 AM
> Subject: [ovirt-devel] What does your oVirt development environment look      
> like?
> Ever since starting to work on oVirt around 3 years ago I've been
> striving for the perfect development and test environment.  I was
> inspired by Yaniv's recent deep dive on Foreman integration and
> thought I'd ask people to share their setups and any tips and tricks
> so we can all become better, more efficient developers.
> My setup consists of my main work laptop and two mini-Dell servers.  I
> run the engine on my laptop and I serve NFS and iSCSI (using
> targetcli) from this system as well.  I use the ethernet port on the
> laptop to connect it to a subnet with the two Dell systems.
> Some goals for my setup are:
>  - Easy provisioning of the virt-hosts so I can quickly test on Fedora
>    and CentOS without spending lots of time reinstalling
>  - Ability to test block and nfs storage
>  - Automation of test scenarios involving engine and hosts
> To help me reach these goals I've deployed cobbler on my laptop and it
> does a pretty good job at managing PXE boot configurations for my
> hosts (and VMs) so they can be automatically intalled as needed.
> After viewing Yaniv's presentation, it seems that Forman/Puppet are
> the way of the future but it does seem a bit more involved to set up.
> I am definitely curious if others are using Foreman in their personal
> dev/test environment and can offer some insight on how that is working
> out.
> Thanks, and I look forward to reading about more of your setups!  If
> we get enough of these, maybe this could make a good section of the
> wiki.
> --
> Adam Litke
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Good idea.

I work on the UI, so I don't have much of a need for a complex setup. I
have the two mini dells, and then I have two much more powerful personal
machines that I use for work -- machine 1 (dauntless) is my main development
machine, and machine 2 (starbase) is my main home server. I compile and run
engine on dauntless, and starbase serves NFS and SMB. I don't have iscsi setup,
although I probably should learn this. I use nested virt for all my hosts,
so mini dell 1 and mini dell 2 both run Fedora 20 and I basically just remote
to them to install vms via virt-manager.

I had cobbler running at one point, but I got frustrated with it one too many
times and gave up. Now I just have a giant collection of isos available via
NFS (and scattered on the desktops of the mini dells :)) I typically install
fresh hosts using the F20 network-install iso. It's a little slower, but
very reliable.

I tend to not need more than one of two database instances at a time.

I gave up using my laptop for primary development because I need three monitors
on my dev rig, and my laptop supports two max. (I'm currently heartbroken at
the lack of USB3 video for linux. See [1].) I basically use my laptop as
a remote viewer to dauntless now when I'm working in bed or wanting to sit out
on the porch. (RealVNC encrypted mode -- I use an xrandr script to toggle off
two of dauntless's monitors, and then I full-screen VNC.)

Old pic of my desk: [2]

Dauntless, starbase, the dells, and all monitors are connected to a giant UPS.
Home network equipment is all connected to another UPS.

I've given some thought to building a distributed compile of ovirt (specifically
the GWT part -- maybe distribute each permutation to worker nodes), but I was
under the impression that most people just use their laptop for work. I think
a distributed compile would be pretty nice for me, but not sure how many people
would use it. ?


[1] http://www.change.org/p/displaylink-support-linux-with-dl-3000-series-chips
[2] http://i.imgur.com/jaMuU8Z.jpg

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