On Wed, 10 Sep 2014, Itamar Heim wrote:

> On 09/10/2014 02:55 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:

>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 01:36:59PM +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
>>> - Windows VMs - v2v would need to make sure relevant iso is in the iso
>>>    domain probably with the drivers expected by v2v?
>> I'm not 100% sure how this works, ... 

I _think_ outside of the virt-v2v scope, it is with something 
like cloudbase-init [-1]

>> ... but I'll tell you what virt-v2v does
>> (which is the same as old virt-v2v).  It installs RHEV-APT (.exe) in
>> the guest and ensures it runs at first boot.  Does RHEV-APT need an
>> ISO to work?  I was under the impression that the executable contained
>> the drivers needed in itself.

> rhev-apt (can't remember the upstream name of the top of my head) is just a
> utility that automatically installs/updates the tools based on:
> - detecting there is an ISO
> - detecting the ISO is a rhev-tools iso
> - detecting the ISO is properly signed
> - run the various installers

I do not immediately find sources for a 'rhev-apt' package, 
probably implying it is a sub-package of some other package?  
Possibly in:
but I get a nil result in the .spec file, and a qcow2 image, 
which may contain such, when I look

[ Reading 
from that SRPM is sort of a disturbing mish mash of python 
code, and instance data.  Why no driver file to specify the 
instance, and so to isolate code from data? ]

I too am interested in where that file comes from.  Pointer 
appreciated, as we support in this space

I see later reply by Richard:

> I have no idea where it comes from, and I doubt it is up to
> date.
>  $ grep RHEV-App libguestfs.spec
>  Source7:       RHEV-Application_Provisioning_Tool_46267.exe

and I'm with him!  I have no idea either, but am interested in 
the answer

I think you MAY be referring to the capability of the type 
provided via 'cloud-init' (present as early as: 0.7.1 -- in 
via a rebase at RHEL 6.5 [0], which asserts it is at 
cloud-init-0.7.2) to mount and source a ConfigDrive (actually, 
a Config ISO-9660 ISO disk image) [1] [2].  There is a MSFT 
analog as well, and VMWare seems to run similar updates from 
time to time

Red Hat support for such in its enterprise product seems to be 
explicitly adding ConfigDrive (also written as two words in 
some places) as of late 2013 [3], bugfix [4] to work properly 
under a 2.6 kernel

Richard had posted as to a tool for making such without the 
ened for root rights a while back titled:
         Creating a cloud-init config disk for non-cloud 
                boots [5]
but the utility of article is broader than the title implies 
(thanks, Richard)

-- Russ herrold

End Notes:

I do not see 'rhel-apt' as a sub-target in the spec file for 
rhel-guest-image either:

[herrold@centos-6 rhel-guest-image]$ rpmno.sh \
[herrold@centos-6 rhel-guest-image]$ grep "rhel-apt" rhel-guest-image.spec
[herrold@centos-6 rhel-guest-image]$

Please excuse the negative number footnote, but I've been 
composing this all morning and a couple hours into the 
afternoon, as well organizing my knowledge into a form I can 
refer to in the future as to CloudDrive's

[-1] https://github.com/cloudbase/cloudbase-init
[0] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=968246
[3] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=970820
[4] https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2013-1744.html

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