On 11/24/2014 06:27 PM, Moti Asayag wrote:
Hi Shubhendu,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shubhendu Tripathi" <shtri...@redhat.com>
To: devel@ovirt.org
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 8:58:34 AM
Subject: [ovirt-devel] Certain questions about Quartz based scheduling in       

Hi All,

We are in a requirement where we need to schedule jobs at certain time
interval, hourly, daily, weekly and monthly (i.e. repetitive and cron
kind of scheduling).
I was trying to understand quartz based scheduling mechanism in oVirt to
achieve the scenarios.

Have some basic questions regarding the same -
1. Is there is mechanism to persist the scheduling data in oVirt ?
In ovirt we do not persist the jobs. The application reschedule the jobs when 
it starts
and programmatically triggers jobs when required.

On packaging/services/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.in we specify the job store 
as RAMJobStore, which is a volatile:

     <property name="org.quartz.jobStore.class" 

You may select other implementation. See:

Would the correct approach then be to have multiple scheduler instances?

1. - that uses the in memory job store

2. that uses DB to persist the jobs.

The second instance would be used to schedule and manage any dynamic jobs, for instance like the ones required for gluster volume snapshot scheduling

Using a separate instance also would mean there's no change to existing jobs that are scheduled in Backend bean.

2. How to tackle edit and rescheduling of jobs ?

You can have a look at org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.timer.SchedulerUtil 
interface in
the 'scheduler' project which provides that functionality, and the related 

But if not special requirements, i guess the shipped quartz implementation 
should be


Kindly guide on how to achieve these.

Thanks and Regards,
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