On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 07:07:14AM +0100, Sandro Bonazzola wrote:
> Hi,
> We'were supposed to start composing oVirt 3.5.1 RC today *2014-11-25 08:00 
> UTC* from 3.5 branch.
> We have still blockers for oVirt 3.5.1 RC release so we need to postpone it 
> untill they'll be fixed.
> The new tentative date for 3.5.1 RC composition is set to *2014-12-02 08:00 
> The bug tracker [1] shows 4 open blocker:
> Bug ID        Whiteboard      Status  Summary
> 1164218                       POST    glfs_set_volfile_server() method causes 
> segmentation fault when bad arguments are passed.

Removed from tracker. The following BZ is enough for 3.5.1:

Bala, Darshan: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/35256/ needs approval and a
quick backport + merge. It would not solve the not-yet-understood
failure of glfs_new, but it would avoid the segfault.

> 1162640       gluster         POST    supervdsm segfault in libgfapi while 
> querying volume status detail

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