On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Yair Zaslavsky <yzasl...@redhat.com> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Piotr Kliczewski" <piotr.kliczew...@gmail.com>
>> To: devel@ovirt.org
>> Sent: Friday, February 6, 2015 3:53:54 PM
>> Subject: [ovirt-devel]  Engine's jvm stats via jmx and metrics
>> Hi,
>> During my work I found myself in situation when I realized that I have
>> no clue what engine or engine's jvm is doing. I wanted to use visualvm
>> [1] to monitor engine's jvm. There are two ways to monitor jvm. One of
>> them is by using jstatd which is limited and the second one is jmx. I
>> found a blog [2] which helped me to understand how to connect to the
>> engine.
>> In order to connect you need to run visualvm using attached script.
>> Please modify JBOSS_HOME. Once visualvm is up and running you can
>> click "Add jmx connection...". In connection text box please enter
>> (assuming that your iptables allows 8706):
>> service:jmx:remoting-jmx://<engine_ip>:8706
>> and click OK. Now you can understand what is going on with engine's jvm.
>> I am able see jvm level information but I still have no clue how well
>> high level engine commands are running. I have been looking for a
>> while how to integrate Metrics [3] with the engine to understand how
>> engine behaves over time.
>> I wonder if there is anyone except me interested in understanding how
>> well engine is running.
>> Thanks,
>> Piotr
> a. I think it is important
> b. I would like to add that with Widfly + Java EE 7, and the introduction of 
> managed java.util.concurrent I think we should consider to move our threading 
> infra to managed java.util.concurrent (once we use widlfly in the project) 
> and then you will be able to monitor threads as well.

With my current work threading model used in the engine will change a
bit so I am looking for a way to understand what is happening with the
engine. I am happy to move to anything which will give me more
understanding how internals work.

> I can think of an interim solution for now until we do.

I am happy to hear any solutions which would improve our knowledge
about how the engine work.

> c. JMX is great, but what about the event notifier and the work done on SNMP 
> traps? why not utilize this furthermore? Or do you see this as completely two 
> different things and two supplementary tools?

I am not really familiar with event notifier so I am ok with using it
if it provides functionality I need. I am looking for information
which would help with day to day development and later with perf
testing. I would like to have live metrics and jvm info which would
help me to understand what is happening internally at any time. I
would like to see it as a way to monitor executed commands over a
period of time to understand how performance degrade over time.

> Cheers,
> Yair
>> [1] http://visualvm.java.net/
>> [2]
>> http://blog.akquinet.de/2012/11/01/connecting-visualvm-with-a-remote-jboss-as-7-eap6-jvm-process/
>> [3] https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics
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