On 20-04-2015 2:05, Christopher Pereira wrote:

On 20-04-2015 0:57, Christopher Pereira wrote:
Engine in master is having problems activating a CentOS 7 host.
The cause seems to be related with "missing" plugins:

    2015-04-20 00:32:20,955 ERROR
    [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.InstallerMessages] (VdsDeploy)
    [50ddd3ed] Installation 'h4.imatronix.com': Internal error:
    Internal error, plugins set(['otopi', 'setup']) are missing

Inside the ovirt-host-deploy.tar that is executed on the host, inside the 'otopi-plugins' directory, I only have two plugins: 'otopi" and 'ovirt-host-deploy'.
There is no 'setup' plugin.
Maybe it was renamed? Or the tar is missing a symbolic link?

Fixed locally with a workarround by patching '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/otopi/context.py'

        needgroups.add('otopi')   # always load us

        # Workarround

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