Hi Shmuel,

it looks great. How about sharing it via GitHub (or similar service) so as it 
can be easily bookmarked, browsed, ...
Here are mine https://github.com/jniederm/ovirt-aux-scripts


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Shmuel Melamud" <smela...@redhat.com>
> To: "devel" <devel@ovirt.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 2:22:36 PM
> Subject: [ovirt-devel] Scripts for Engine development
> Hi!
> These are scripts that I'm using for development. Maybe they will save your
> time or at least will be helpful for newbies. Please, let me know if you
> find something useful.
> They assume the following setup: there is a directory for the Engine (set by
> ENGINE_ROOT conf var). Subdirectories under it correspond to revisions
> (master, 3.6, 3.5 etc.). You can freely add suffixes (e.g. 3.6-upgr). There
> is always a current revision you're working on and ~/bin/engine-bin is set
> to the corresponding bin/ directory. I've added ~/bin/engine-bin to PATH and
> now if I run, for example, engine-setup, it runs engine-setup of the
> revision I need currently.
> Config file:
> engine-scripts-conf - review it shortly just in case you need to change
> something to fit your setup
> Scripts:
> engine - run the Engine
> engine-autosetup - run engine-setup (taking into account additional options
> that should be passed for 3.5, for example)
> engine-build - build the Engine (this script has many options)
> engine-dao-tests - run DAO tests
> engine-gwt-debug - run the frontend in GWT debugging mode (there are also
> several options in engine-build for GWT debugging)
> engine-root - print current Engine root directory name
> engine-setrevision - set or print the current revision
> And one script for VDSM - it should be run on a host:
> vdsm-deploy - removes old VDSM rpms, builds and installs the new ones,
> puts ssl=false into vdsm.conf and restarts VDSM. If restart fails, runs
> vdsm-tool configure --force and tries to start again. Maybe some of these
> operations are redundant, but at the end I always get working VDSM ;)
> vdsm-fix-firewall - fixes /etc/sysconfig/iptables to open non-TLS libvirtd
> port. It is run automatically from vdsm-deploy, but may be run separately.
> Shmuel
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