I think a weekly job that store the results for a couple of weeks
would be nice. Will give us easy way to look at progress with very
little load on the servers and minimal storage requirements.

On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 10:51 AM, Barak Korren <bkor...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 2 December 2015 at 12:21, Allon Mureinik <amure...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Awesome!
>> Infra stakeholders - any chance to have this pushed to the devel list once a
>> month (or some other reasonable period)?
> I see a few possible ways to get this:
> 1. Run the same code in 'check_merged.sh' followed by some code to
> mail the results. With the whole thing surrounded by some conditional
> to decide if the time to send a new report had come. (One possibility
> is every X merged patches since the last release)
> 2. Devise some extension the the CI standard to let you specify periodic jobs.
> 3. Send a YAML patch to create a new stand-alone job. (That,
> experience shows, would result in that job being unmaintained)
> --
> Barak Korren
> bkor...@redhat.com
> RHEV-CI Team
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