On 01/20/2016 08:06 PM, Yevgeny Zaspitsky wrote:
> Juan,
> Well done!
> But, there is a mismatch between gerrit and gitub links in your e-mail.
> Regards,
> Yevgeny

You are right, I'm fixing inline. The names of the gerrit projects are
as follows:


I included the github URLs because they are a easy an nice way to see
the content:


> On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 5:15 PM, Juan Hernández <jhern...@redhat.com
> <mailto:jhern...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     The specification of the RESTAPI (a.k.a. the model) and the tools that
>     process it (a.k.a. the metamodel) have been moved to separate git
>     repositories:
>       Model:
>       git clone https://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-engine-api-model
>       https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-api-metamodel

This ^ should be https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-api-model.

>       Metamodel:
>       git clone https://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-engine-api-metamodel
>       https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-api-model

This ^ should be https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-api-model.

>     Currently I'm manually keeping these repositories in sync with the
>     ovirt-engine repository, but I will very soon remove all this code from
>     the ovirt-engine repository:
>       restapi: Move model to separate repository
>       https://gerrit.ovirt.org/51519
>     This means that once the above patch is merged, which will be very soon,
>     probably this week, when you need to do changes to the specification of
>     the RESTAPI, you will need first to prepare a patch for the
>     ovirt-engine-api-model, submit it, review it, etc. Once that patch is
>     merged I will do a new release of the model. Then you will need to
>     update the root POM of the engine to use the new version of the model,
>     for example:
>       - <model.version>4.0.1</model.version>
>       + <model.version>4.0.2</model.version>
>     And adjust the engine to work with the new version of the model.
>     As you will probably want to do these changes and test them before
>     publishing anything, or asking for any review, I'd suggest the following
>     process:
>     1. Checkout the model project:
>       $ git clone git://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-engine-api-model
>     <http://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-engine-api-model>
>     2. Check the version number in the root POM. It should be a SNAPSHOT
>     version, unless you explicitly checkout from a tag. For example,
>     currently it is 4.0.2-SNAPSHOT.
>     3. Make your changes to the model, and then install it to your local
>     Maven repository:
>       $ mvn clean install
>     4. Add to your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml a profile that is activated
>     automatically and that changes the value of the "model.version" property
>     used by the engine:
>       <activeProfiles>
>         <activeProfile>myprofile</activeProfile>
>       </activeProfiles>
>       <profiles>
>         <profile>
>           <id>myprofile</id>
>           <properties>
>             <model.version>4.0.2-SNAPSHOT</model.version>
>           </properties>
>         </profile>
>       </profiles>
>     5. Make your changes to the engine, and build it as usual, it will your
>     modified version of the model.
>     6. Publish/review the changes to the model.
>     7. Wait for the new model release.
>     8. Publish/review the changes to the engine, including the change of the
>     model version in the root POM. Note that you can publish/review these
>     changes without waiting for the new model release, but the Jenkins test
>     will fail.
>     Note also that changes to the model will need to be properly documented
>     in order to be accepted. There are some instructions on how to document
>     the model here:
>       https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-api-model/blob/master/README.md
>     All these changes affect only the master branch, nothing changed in
>     these regards in the 3.6 branch.
>     Regards,
>     Juan Hernandez

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