Edward Haas <eh...@redhat.com> writes:

> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 11:39 AM, Milan Zamazal <mzama...@redhat.com> wrote:
>     Thank you, Edward, this is useful not only for CI. I use docker for
>     building Vdsm and running its unit tests and this helped me to get the
>     proper updated set of packages after recent changes in Vdsm.
>     BTW, it seems that the following packages should be additionally added
>     for `make check-all': psmisc, which, python-ioprocess
> Are you saying that make check is passing on your local machine?

When I add the packages given above, `make check-all' (as well as `make
check') works for me except for 4 tests in lib/vdsm/schedule.py that
produce the following errors with `make check-all':

    File "/home/pdm/ovirt/vdsm/vdsm-test/lib/vdsm/schedule.py", line 134, in 
      heapq.heappush(self._calls, (deadline, call))
  nose.proxy.TypeError: unorderable types: ScheduledCall() < ScheduledCall()

    File "/home/pdm/ovirt/vdsm/vdsm-test/tests/scheduleTests.py", line 160, in 
      med = ticker.latency[len(ticker.latency) / 2]
  nose.proxy.TypeError: list indices must be integers, not float

Those are probably Python 3 failures that should be fixed in Vdsm.
The docker environment works fine for running the unit tests on my
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