I am unable to do any installs, yum cannot access the mirrors list

“Could not retrieve mirrorlist 
http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/mirrorlist-ovirt-4.0-el7” error was
12: Timeout on 
http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/mirrorlist-ovirt-4.0-el7: (28, 
‘Connection timed out after 30001 milliseconds’)"

Tried from various locations on different ISPs.


Gary Pedretty                                        g...@ravnalaska.net 
Systems Manager                                          www.flyravn.com 
Ravn Alaska                           /\                    907-450-7251
5245 Airport Industrial Road         /  \/\             907-450-7238 fax
Fairbanks, Alaska  99709        /\  /    \ \ Second greatest commandment
Serving All of Alaska          /  \/  /\  \ \/\   “Love your neighbor as
Really loving the record green up date! Summmer!!   yourself” Matt 22:39

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