If you want to reproduce the errors, try this patch:

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 9:14 PM, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Trying to run vdsm tests via tox (so correct nose is used automatically),
> some of the tests fail.
> The failure are all about ordering expectations, which look wrong.
> Please check and fix your tests.
> Thanks,
> Nir
> ----
> 18:04:10 
> ======================================================================
> 18:04:10 FAIL: test_parseVolumeStatus (gluster_cli_tests.GlusterCliTests)
> 18:04:10 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
> 18:04:10   File
> "/home/jenkins/workspace/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/vdsm/tests/gluster_cli_tests.py",
> line 1121, in test_parseVolumeStatus
> 18:04:10     self._parseVolumeStatusClients_test()
> 18:04:10   File
> "/home/jenkins/workspace/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/vdsm/tests/gluster_cli_tests.py",
> line 449, in _parseVolumeStatusClients_test
> 18:04:10     self.assertEquals(status.keys(), ['bricks', 'name'])
> status.keys() order is not undefined.
> 18:04:10 AssertionError: Lists differ: ['name', 'bricks'] != ['bricks', 
> 'name']
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10 First differing element 0:
> 18:04:10 name
> 18:04:10 bricks
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10 - ['name', 'bricks']
> 18:04:10 + ['bricks', 'name']
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10 
> ======================================================================
> 18:04:10 FAIL: testSetPolicyParameters (momTests.MomPolicyTests)
> 18:04:10 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
> 18:04:10   File
> "/home/jenkins/workspace/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/vdsm/tests/momTests.py",
> line 118, in testSetPolicyParameters
> 18:04:10     self.assertEqual(api.last_policy_content, expected)
> 18:04:10 AssertionError: "(set a 5)\n(set b True)\n(set c 'test')" !=
> "(set a 5)\n(set c 'test')\n(set b True)"
> Nothing obvious, need deeper checking.
> 18:04:10 -------------------- >> begin captured logging << 
> --------------------
> 18:04:10 2016-10-12 18:01:56,902 INFO    (MainThread) [MOM] Preparing
> MOM interface (momIF:49)
> 18:04:10 2016-10-12 18:01:56,903 INFO    (MainThread) [MOM] Using
> named unix socket /tmp/tmpqOQZvm/test_mom_vdsm.sock (momIF:58)
> 18:04:10 --------------------- >> end captured logging << 
> ---------------------
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10 
> ======================================================================
> 18:04:10 FAIL: test_disk_virtio_cache (vmStorageTests.DriveXMLTests)
> 18:04:10 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
> 18:04:10   File
> "/home/jenkins/workspace/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/vdsm/tests/vmStorageTests.py",
> line 84, in test_disk_virtio_cache
> 18:04:10     self.check(vm_conf, conf, xml, is_block_device=False)
> 18:04:10   File
> "/home/jenkins/workspace/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/vdsm/tests/vmStorageTests.py",
> line 222, in check
> 18:04:10     self.assertXMLEqual(drive.getXML().toxml(), xml)
> 18:04:10   File
> "/home/jenkins/workspace/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/vdsm/tests/testlib.py",
> line 253, in assertXMLEqual
> 18:04:10     (actualXML, expectedXML))
> 18:04:10 AssertionError: XMLs are different:
> 18:04:10 Actual:
> 18:04:10 <disk device="disk" snapshot="no" type="file">
> 18:04:10     <source file="/path/to/volume" />
> 18:04:10     <target bus="virtio" dev="vda" />
> 18:04:10     <shareable />
> 18:04:10     <serial>54-a672-23e5b495a9ea</serial>
> 18:04:10     <driver cache="writethrough" error_policy="enospace"
> io="threads" name="qemu" type="qcow2" />
> 18:04:10     <iotune>
> 18:04:10         <total_iops_sec>800</total_iops_sec>
> 18:04:10         <read_bytes_sec>6120000</read_bytes_sec>
> 18:04:10     </iotune>
> 18:04:10 </disk>
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10 Expected:
> 18:04:10 <disk device="disk" snapshot="no" type="file">
> 18:04:10     <source file="/path/to/volume" />
> 18:04:10     <target bus="virtio" dev="vda" />
> 18:04:10     <shareable />
> 18:04:10     <serial>54-a672-23e5b495a9ea</serial>
> 18:04:10     <driver cache="writethrough" error_policy="enospace"
> io="threads" name="qemu" type="qcow2" />
> 18:04:10     <iotune>
> 18:04:10         <read_bytes_sec>6120000</read_bytes_sec>
> 18:04:10         <total_iops_sec>800</total_iops_sec>
> Order of these elements differ, need to check why.
> 18:04:10     </iotune>
> 18:04:10 </disk>
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10 
> ======================================================================
> 18:04:10 FAIL: testCpuXML (vmTests.TestVm)
> 18:04:10 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
> 18:04:10   File
> "/home/jenkins/workspace/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/vdsm/tests/vmTests.py",
> line 434, in testCpuXML
> 18:04:10     self.assertXMLEqual(find_xml_element(xml, "./cputune"), 
> cputuneXML)
> 18:04:10   File
> "/home/jenkins/workspace/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/vdsm/tests/testlib.py",
> line 253, in assertXMLEqual
> 18:04:10     (actualXML, expectedXML))
> 18:04:10 AssertionError: XMLs are different:
> 18:04:10 Actual:
> 18:04:10 <cputune>
> 18:04:10     <vcpupin cpuset="0-1" vcpu="0" />
> 18:04:10     <vcpupin cpuset="2-3" vcpu="1" />
> 18:04:10 </cputune>
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10 Expected:
> 18:04:10 <cputune>
> 18:04:10     <vcpupin cpuset="2-3" vcpu="1" />
> 18:04:10     <vcpupin cpuset="0-1" vcpu="0" />
> Same
> 18:04:10 </cputune>
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10
> 18:04:10 
> ======================================================================
> 18:04:10 FAIL: testSetIoTune (vmTests.TestVm)
> 18:04:10 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
> 18:04:10   File
> "/home/jenkins/workspace/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/vdsm/tests/vmTests.py",
> line 936, in testSetIoTune
> 18:04:10     self._xml_sanitizer(expected_xml))
> 18:04:10 AssertionError: '<disk device="hdd" snapshot="no"
> type="block"><source dev="/dev/dummy"/><target bus="ide"
> dev="hda"/><iotune><write_bytes_sec>1</write_bytes_sec><total_bytes_sec>0</total_bytes_sec><read_bytes_sec>2</read_bytes_sec></iotune></disk>'
> != '<disk device="hdd" snapshot="no" type="block"><source
> dev="/dev/dummy"/><target bus="ide"
> dev="hda"/><iotune><read_bytes_sec>2</read_bytes_sec><write_bytes_sec>1</write_bytes_sec><total_bytes_sec>0</total_bytes_sec></iotune></disk>'
> 18:04:10 -------------------- >> begin captured logging << 
> --------------------
> 18:04:10 2016-10-12 18:03:34,110 INFO    (MainThread) [virt.vm]
> vmId=`TESTING`::New device XML for hda: <disk device="hdd"
> snapshot="no" type="block">
> 18:04:10 <source dev="/dev/dummy"/>
> 18:04:10 <target bus="ide" dev="hda"/>
> 18:04:10 <iotune>
> 18:04:10 <write_bytes_sec>1</write_bytes_sec>
> 18:04:10 <total_bytes_sec>0</total_bytes_sec>
> 18:04:10 <read_bytes_sec>2</read_bytes_sec>
> 18:04:10 </iotune>
> 18:04:10 </disk>
> Seems that this test is not using assertXMLEqual so we don't get meaningful
> error like the tests above.
> 18:04:10  (vm:2687)
> 18:04:10 --------------------- >> end captured logging << 
> ---------------------
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