Hi all,

Perhaps the main purpose of CI, is to prevent braking code from
getting merged into the stable/master branches. Unfortunately our CI
is not there yet, and one of the reasons for that is that we do large
amount of our CI tests only _after_ the code is merged.

The reason for that is that when balancing through, but time
consuming, tests (e.g. enging build with all permutations) v.s. faster
but more basic ones (e.g. "findbugs" and single permutation build), we
typically choose the faster tests to be run per-patch-set and leave
the through testing to only be run post-merge.

We'd like to change that and have the through tests also run before
merge. Ideally we would like to just hook stuff to the "submit"
button, but Gerrit doesn't allow one to do that easily. So instead
we'll need to adopt some kind of flag to indicate we want to submit
and have Jenkins
"click" the submit button on our behalf if tests pass.

I see two options here:
1. Use Code-Review+2 as the indicator to run "heavy" CI and merge.
2. Add an "approve" flag that maintainers can set to +1 (This is
   what OpenStack is doing).

What would you prefer?

Barak Korren
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