On 7 December 2016 at 14:06, Martin Polednik <mpoled...@redhat.com> wrote:
> What would be your favorite review & development tool and why? Do you
> hate any of them? Let the flamewar^Wconstructive discussion begin! :)

If you've read any of the recent threads I've started on devel, you
may know we (the infra team) are working on integration Zuul into the
CI system in order to provide merge gating (As well as other

A truly efficient merge gating is the kind that you do cross-project.
This means that you setup the gate so that it looks at all the pending
changes across all the projects, builds the system as it would look
with all those changes merged, and checks it.

The benefit of this system is that you know that not only all the
project branches are stable, but also that when you bring artifacts
built from those branches together, the system as a whole works.

As for now, Zuul is the only system I know of that does good
cross-project merge gating. And, for the time being, it does not
support anything other then Gerrit. So I recommend we stay with Gerrit
for now.

Barak Korren
RHCE, RHCi, RHV-DevOps Team
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