On 04/28/2017 10:55 AM, Ademar Reis wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 06:48:00AM -0400, Karen Noel wrote:
>> +Cole for Fedora/virt
>> +Jeff for for qemu upstream
>> ________________________________
>> From: Sandro Bonazzola
>> Sent: Apr 28, 2017 5:08 AM
>> To: Niels de Vos; Miroslav Rezanina; Karen Noel; Doron Fediuck
>> Cc: devel
>> Subject: Re: qemu packaging - add the "qemu" user to a "gluster" group?
>>> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 3:36 PM, Niels de Vos <nde...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We're trying to improve the debugability of Gluster backed VMs and one
>>>> of the features for this is to be able to gather "statedumps". These
>>>> statedumps include memory allocation details and other information about
>>>> the Gluster client. QEMU is one of the applications that can be
>>>> configured to use libgfapi.so Gluster client.
>>>> Gluster provides the /var/run/gluster/ directory and the libgfapi.so
>>>> library that qemu (in block/gluster.c) uses that. Would there be a
>>>> problem for the "qemu" packages to use add the "qemu" user to a
>>>> "gluster" group? I'm not sure yet how this is done for other packages
>>>> with their own users, but there would be a dependent installation order
>>>> of some kind (needs rpm triggers?).
>>>> What is your opinion on this issue, or would you recommend an other
>>>> approach?
>>> Adding Miroslav, Karen and Doron.
>>> I'm not sure about how libgfapi is consumed by
>>> qemu-kvm(-ev/-rhev) but if its support is enable by default
>>> and doesn't require additional qemu-kvm sub packages to be
>>> enabled, I would suggest to just
>>> follow https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:UsersAndGroups
>>> and add the qemu user to the gluster group in %pre.
>>> From oVirt point of view, I think it shouldn't affect us very
>>> much. On CentOS Virt SIG we'll consume whatever will come
>>> from qemu-kvm-rhev.
> Please keep in mind that in a not so distant future, gluster
> support in QEMU will be handled by a sub-package (something like
> qemu-kvm-gluster). See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1425820
> (right now gluster support is enabled by default and included in
> the main qemu package, on all installations).

Since that work is already in fedora, it actually makes things easier there
for us, we can add the 'usermod -a -G gluster qemu' in the qemu-block-gluster
subpackage %pre, which will guarantee that qemu-common (which creates the qemu
user) and gluster packages (which create the gluster group) are already on disk.

OP please file a fedora qemu bug about this and we can go from there


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