I got this error when running OST with engine 4.2 - is this
a test error? environment error?

Looks like some error message needs work :-)


*00:10:32.263* @ Run test: 002_bootstrap.py: *00:10:32.281*
nose.config: INFO: Ignoring files matching ['^\\.', '^_',
'^setup\\.py$']*00:10:32.301*   # add_dc: *00:10:53.839*   # add_dc:
Success (in 0:00:21)*00:10:53.843*   # add_cluster: *00:10:54.123*
* Collect artifacts: *00:10:55.995*     * Collect artifacts: Success
(in 0:00:01)*00:10:56.000*   # add_cluster: Success (in
0:00:02)*00:10:56.003*   # Results located at
@ Run test: 002_bootstrap.py: Success (in 0:00:23)*00:10:56.296* Error
occured, aborting*00:10:56.296* Traceback (most recent call
last):*00:10:56.296*   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtlago/cmd.py", line 362, in
self.cli_plugins[args.ovirtverb].do_run(args)*00:10:56.298*   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lago/plugins/cli.py", line 184, in
do_run*00:10:56.299*     self._do_run(**vars(args))*00:10:56.299*
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lago/utils.py", line 505, in
wrapper*00:10:56.300*     return func(*args, **kwargs)*00:10:56.300*
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lago/utils.py", line 516, in
wrapper*00:10:56.301*     return func(*args, prefix=prefix,
**kwargs)*00:10:56.301*   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtlago/cmd.py", line 99, in
do_ovirt_runtest*00:10:56.302*     raise RuntimeError('Some tests
failed')*00:10:56.303* RuntimeError: Some tests failed
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