On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 7:55 PM, Greg Sheremeta <gsher...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Nice! I think a nice RFE would be to surface this info in the UI.
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 8:30 AM, Milan Zamazal <mzama...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi, during last year Outreachy internship a tool for analyzing oVirt
>> logs was created.  When it is provided with oVirt logs (such as SOS
>> reports, logs gathered by Lago, single or multiple log files) it tries
>> to identify and classify important lines from the logs and present them
>> in a structured form.  Its primary purpose is to get a quick and easy
>> overview of actions and errors.
I would add that it can correlate more log files (from
engine/vdsm/libvirt/quemu) and show a unified view of them.
It can follow the life of one entity (such as a VM) and show what was going
on with it across the system. I have used it a lot to look for races and it
was pretty useful for that.

>> The tool analyses given logs and produces text files with the extracted
>> information.  There is an Emacs user interface that presents the output
>> in a nice way with added functionality such as filtering.  Emacs haters
>> can use the plain text files or write another user interface. :-)
>> You can get ovirt-log-analyzer from
>> https://github.com/mz-pdm/ovirt-log-analyzer
>> README.md explains how to use it.
>> Note that ovirt-log-analyzer has been created within the limited
>> resources of an Outreachy internship with some additional work and not
>> everything is perfect.  Feel free to make improvements.
>> Regards,
>> Milan
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