On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 7:10 PM Chris Adams <c...@cmadams.net> wrote:

> Once upon a time, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> said:
> > Lets see if this continue to grow to unreasonable amount in the next
> days.
> >
> > Enabling the monitor this on another host which does not run the hosted
> > engine
> > would be useful for reference.
> Okay, I'll go enable it on the other node.
> > Please open a vdsm bug for this, and add enough details on the setup
> > so we can reproduce this in the lab.
> I did that a couple of weeks ago:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1570840


> Please let me know what additional details could be useful - I'm
> guessing that this is related to something I did (since others aren't
> seeing it), but I'm afraid that I don't know what I did that might have
> been special.

Can describe your setup, so we can create a similar setup in the lab?

I guess that attaching engine db dump will make this easy.

Hosted engine answer file can also help.

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