I want to share the current state of oVirt on Fedora 28, hopefully it will
save time for other developers.

1. Why should I run oVirt on Fedora 28?

- Fedora is the the base for future CentOS. The bugs we find *today* on
Fedora 28
are the bugs that we will not have next year when we try oVirt on CentOS.

- I want to contribute to projects that require python 3. For example,
  require python 3.6 in upstream. If you want to contribute you need to test
  it on Fedora 28.

- I need to develop with latest libvirt and qemu. One example is incremental
  backup, you will need Fefora 28 to work on this.

- CentOS is old and boring, I want to play with the newest bugs :-)

2. How to install oVirt with Fedora 28 hosts

    Warning: ugly hacks bellow!

- Install ovirt-release-master.rpm on all hosts

dnf install http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release-master.rpm

- Install or build engine on CentOS 7.5 (1804)[1]

- When provisioning a host, make sure you have lvm2-2.02.177-5.fc28
  without it, no block storage you[2]

- When adding a host, disable "Configure host firewall" - it does not work
  I hope that Sandro team will fix this issue soon.

- Adding a host will fail, because without firewall setup, port 54321 is
not reacable.
  to fix this, configure the firewall manually, or disable it

    iptables -F

This is pretty lame because you have to apply it again after restart, but
it was
good enough for now.

- Because the host was not reachable, we don't configure the host network
  so the host will be non-operational.
  To fix this, open host > network > setup networks and assign ovirtmgmt
  to the host management nic. The host will become UP after that.
  I hope that Dan team will fix it soon.

- Adding storage will fail because sanlock selinux issue[3]
  To fix, set selinux to permissive mode:

  setenforce 0

At this point you should have a working setup.

3. Building and instaling vdsm from source on Fedora 28

- Install build dependencies using

  dnf install `cat automation/check-patch.packages.fc28`

- Clean the source (needed if you rerun ./autogen.sh with different options)

  git clean -dxf

- Configure vdsm with hooks - for some reason 2 hooks are required
  on Fedora but not on EL.

  ./autogen.sh --system --enable-hooks

- Build

  make rpm

- Install the packages at /home/user/rpmbuild/RPMS/{noarch,x86_64}

- if vdsm was never installed, you need to configure and enable it

  vdsm-tool configure --force
  systemctl enable vdsmd
  systemctl start vdsmd

At this point you can test the new bugs you added to vdsm :-)

[1] I did not try to install engine on Fedora 28. I guess engine folks can
share if there are issues with this.

[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1575762
LVM team fixed the issue couple of hours after I asked about it in #lvm
We had a build for testing couple of days later.

[3] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1593853
We are still waiting for selinux folks response.

Happy hacking!

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