Am 30. Oktober 2014 13:35 schrieb Martine Lenders <

> Hallo,
> wir, die Entwickler vom freien Betriebssystem RIOT [1] für embedded
> systems, würden gerne (zukünftig) regelmäßig (zunächst aber erstmal
> einmalig) unsere sogenannten Hack'n'ACK-Partys in der c-base veranstalten.
> Hack'n'ACK-Partys sind, was wir unsere Kombination aus Stammtisch,
> Bug-Squashing-Party und Code-Review-Come-Togethers nennen. Ein bis zwei
> Mitentwickler und ich würden uns dann am Samstag beim nächsten
> circle-Treffen vorstellen wollen.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Martine Lenders
> [1]

Sorry for this German mail to the development mailing list. It's mainly an
information for all Berlin-based developers. Here's a rough translation for
those who are interested anyhow:

we, the developers of the free operating system RIOT [1] for embedded
systems, would like to host our regular (at least in the future, but at
least once for know) so-called Hack'n'ACK parties at the c-base [ann.: a
local hacker space]. Hack'n'ACK parties are what we call our combination of
Stammtisch, Bug Squashing Party and Code Review Come Together. One or two
co-developers and I would like to introduce ourselves this saturday at the
next circle [ann.: the c-base's self-organizing body] meeting.

Kind regards,
Martine Lenders
devel mailing list

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