Hi Tara,
[quotet from your digest reply]:

I tried to include my external library as an external module, but it
> doesn't work ! I have still the same issue. When we're trying to compile
> it, it seems that the makefile isn't able to find the functions include in
> this libmbed.a.
> As you can see in my Makefile, I use this var:
>       EXTERNAL_MODULE_DIRS += “YOUR_PATH”/RIOT-master/examples/test
>       USEMODULE += libmbed
>       INCLUDES += -I/”YOUR_PATH”/RIOT-master/MBED

2 things: Have you added the Makefile.base to the directory

It has to contain the following

MODULE = libmbed
include $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.base

You can leave out the first line, if the directory it resides in is called
libmbed (in your example you would need to rename
"YOUR_PATH"/RIOT-master/examples/test to

I export all .o depending on my board and create the libmed.a with the
> command "ar -q libmed.a" . I use the mbed export to gcc, compile it with
> the "GCC ARM Embedded 4.7 update 4" Toolchain and it works ! But when I
> tried to compile with RIOT-OS, its like it isn't able to find the functions
> include in this lib.

Mind that the external module approach only works if you have the source
files (the .c(pp) or .s files) in this directory. If you only have the
object files, try copying them into the directory "YOUR_PATH"/RIOT-master/

Good luck,

2015-02-24 15:39 GMT+01:00 Martine Lenders <authmille...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Tara,
> have you tried to include your external library as an external module [1]?
> Kind regards,
> Martine
> [1] https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Creating-external-modules
> 2015-02-24 15:19 GMT+01:00 Tararaina Klipffel <tei...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> We are 4 French students in engineering school. We are currently working
>> on a robotic project of telepresence. We have set up RIOT-OS on a STM32
>> L152RE board and we are now attempting to add an external library in our
>> project. We have a library libmded.a that contains every .o precompiled
>> provided by mbed, and a folder with the corresponding headers. Then we
>> added the .h path to the INCLUDES var in the makefile and the library to
>> the USEMODULE var. But when we're trying to compile it, it seems that the
>> makefile isn't able to find the functions include in this lib. That's why
>> we would be grateful for any advice that could guide us.
>> Kind regards.
>> Tara
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