Hi David,

when using Wakaama (which is certainly an option), the way would be to include it in RIOT as a package and include some Makefiles that are able to download/checkout the library and build it into RIOT. When choosing this path, one important thing is to think of a concept for continuous integration, so that the Makefiles and patches can be adjusted to changes of the Wakaama implementation in an easy way.


On 23.03.2015 19:45, David Reinert wrote:
I am almost certainly planning on using the Wakaama project(formerly liblwM2M) for this project. A possibly silly question but, would a final port of this implementation look similar to the various ports under RIOT/pkg/ or is it more involved than that? I am just trying to get a picture of what the final project would look like so I can better form a clear timeline. Thanks!


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