Hello Haoyang,

> I am staring to create my own module for RIOT CCN stuff, I am wondering for
> the USEMODULE in Makefile,

Cool, looking forward to this implementation. May I ask what kind of CCN stuff
you're going to implement? Are you developing from scratch or do you use any
existing CCN implementation as a foundation?
> How can I add a self-define module in Makefile, and how do we specify the
> name like? What is the underlying complying mechanism to find the module?

Usually, the name and path of the module is derived from its directory name.
If you create a folder like `sys/foobar` and put a Makefile there which
contains a line like this:
`include $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.base`
all C files in this folder will be compiled to something that is usable via 
`USEMODULE += foobar`. If you want to label your module different from its
directory name for some reason, you can add another line to the Makefile
before the above mentioned line saying `MODULE := myfoobar`.

However, for stuff residing inside a subdirectory of `sys` like `sys/net/...`
you will need to some lines to `sys/Makefile` in order to let Make find this
module. Just look at the existing examples there.

printk(KERN_WARNING "Warning: defective CD-ROM (volume sequence
number). Enabling \"cruft\" mount option.\n");

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