Just on the subject on uIP: I'm currently working on an emb6 port (in
parallel to the lwIP port), which is a proto-thread-less fork of uIP. But
as discussed in [1] and by the advantages you have given additionally, it
would definitely make sense to run Contiki in RIOT.

Am 19.01.2016 11:59 schrieb "Joakim Nohlgård" <joakim.nohlg...@eistec.se>:

> Many legacy applications are built on Contiki, and many papers on IoT
> are written around tests done on Contiki. Contiki also has a quite
> large community who work with applications on the platform.
> Because of this it would be useful to have a way of running Contiki
> applications and projects under RIOT with minimal porting effort.
> Contiki is effectively running on the hardware as a single thread with
> some preprocessor magic to make the protothread functions behave as if
> they are cooperatively multitasked threads, which makes it quite
> doable to run Contiki as a subprocess/thread inside a RIOT system.
> It would also be possible to use Contiki's uIP as an alternative
> network stack to gnrc, just like the lwIP port in
> https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/pull/3551.
> Some important points to know about Contiki from a RIOT perspective:
> - Tick-based (platform specific, but usually 64 Hz)
> - Cooperative scheduling of protothreads, which are not "full"
> threads, but more light weight, no individual stacks etc.
> - There is a native port which runs on Linux, just like RIOT native.
> - Contiki's network stack is somewhat modularised to allow for
> swapping radio devices, mac layer etc.
> - No real time guarantees, as far as I know.
> A starting point might be to use the native platform and to apply an
> adaptation layer to allow netdev2 devices to be used as output by
> Contiki's uIP stack. Another way would be to write an adaptation layer
> between Contiki uIP and RIOT conn, to use gnrc instead of uIP.
> Benefits from this would be that we could for example use 6TSCH in uIP
> on RIOT and/or the lwm2m and IPSO smart object implementation from
> Contiki. Since RIOT is, in my opinion, way superior with regards to
> hardware support and its hardware abstraction layers, and with many
> drivers for common sensor devices already implemented it might attract
> some Contiki users to try RIOT for their IoT projects.
> I would like to hear any ideas and opinions on this list on how to
> effectively implement this.
> Best regards,
> Joakim
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