Hello Oleg,

what about to have at least "official" wrapper around printf?

Im using tinyprintf already with riot and to have PRINTF macro defined
would make things much easier.
There are DEBUGs and LOGs together with printf-s sprinkled in the code.
While DEBUG and LOG can be defined to custom functions, printf no. Thinking
at printf.h with PRINTF macro + formatter macros defined - bad idea?


On 1 March 2016 at 15:23, Oleg Hahm <oliver.h...@inria.fr> wrote:

> Dear re-examining IOTlers,
> I know a lot of us have been unhappy with (some aspects of) Newlib for a
> long
> time, including the somewhat bloated implementation of printf(). However,
> there are IMO various good reasons not to implement printf() ourselves.
> https://guidovranken.wordpress.com/2016/02/27/openssl-cve-2016-0799-heap-corruption-via-bio_printf/
> gives just another good example, what could go wrong.
> Cheers,
> Oleg
> --
> panic("If this is a 64-bit machine, please try a 64-bit kernel.\n");
>         linux-2.6.6/arch/parisc/kernel/inventory.c
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