Hi Bernhard,
we actually use this setup for testing of interoperability [1] but
there are a few issues:

* Linux doesn't have full 6LoWPAN support yet (I never created the
setup myself but only used a pre-setup Raspberry Pi, but as far as I
know you still need to compile the kernel yourself)
* Linux doesn't support 6LoWPAN-ND yet

Also I don't know much about RPL on the Linux side, which you would
need because usually the border router would take the position of the
RPL root in a WPAN.



2016-03-04 18:05 GMT+01:00 Bernhard Nägele <bernh...@naegele-privat.de>:
> Hello everyone,
> just one thought about border-routers from a newbie: Why not using embedded
> boards like Raspberry Pi for this purpose. Everything from the software
> stack side is available (bridging in every direction) and if you use a Pi
> Zero it will not cost much more than 20$.
> Wouldn't the development resources be better invested in supporting more
> platforms and drivers? I see the excellence of RIOT on the sensor side,
> where you can really use small footprint devices to achieve really
> power-efficient sensor solutions.
> What is the real advantage of a RIOT border router (exept power consumption
> and maybe a
> better price if you make an embedded design for high volume boards)? I know
> this question is a little bit heretical but I want to know your thoughts
> about this topic.
> Best regards
> Bernhard
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