I had the same idea. :) The latest was that small package changes take
about 5 min to complete. If there are changes in the kernel there is a
CCACHE huge mismatch and it takes about 30 minutes.
On 6 Mar 2016 05:29, "Adam Hunt" <voxa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> With all the chatter about the CI situation lately I got to wondering if
> there might be some way I could help out. It sound like Kaspar has things
> under control with the new CI system but what about builders; are there
> enough CPU cycles available for the current rate of RIOT development, what
> about future development?
> Would it be possible for me and/or other members of the community to
> donate CPU time for use as builders? I currently have two perfectly good
> machines each with a 3.4 GHz quad i5, 16 and 32 GB of memory respectively,
> fast SSDs, and plenty of rotational storage; both machines sit idle for
> much of the day. If CI builders could be deployed as VMs, or better yet,
> Docker images (lighter weight) would it be possible for people like me to
> help out?
> --adam
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