I didn't know this exist! [1] but I'll vote for it. First, you need to
know if something goes on SPI MOSI line and if timing is ok.


2016-07-11 9:17 GMT+02:00 Peter Kietzmann <peter.kietzm...@haw-hamburg.de>:
> Hi Kees,
> stupid question: How do you know SPI is not working? "GPIO_1090536471" was a
> formatting bug, compare:
> https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/pull/5619
> Would you try to initialize an other pin as CS line? If I see it correctly
> you decided for PA23. Maybe just try it with PB2 (in case you don't use it
> for other things).
> Best
> Peter
> Am 08.07.2016 um 20:16 schrieb Kees Bakker:
>> This very same setup works perfectly with Arduino.
>> It is a SAMD21 on a Autonomo (very much like Arduine Zero).
>> It has a 16Mb "serial flash" chip on it.
>> I started with the code from cpu/samd21 that was developed for
>> the samr21-xpro board.
>> The "only" thing I had to change is the pins for the SPI. And with the
>> pins I also had to change the SERCOM, the PADs and the pin MUX.
>> And yes, I checked the SS pin (and all other pins) over and over.
>> So far I was able to get UART and I2C working. But for more than a
>> week now I am stuck at SPI. I use the tests/periph_spi test program.
>> �main(): This is RIOT! (Version:
>> 2016.07-devel-336-g38dc1-rapper-add-sodaq-autonomo)
>> RIOT low-level SPI driver test
>> This application enables you to test a platforms SPI driver
>> implementation.
>> Enter 'help' to get started
>>  > �main(): This is RIOT! (Version:
>> 2016.07-devel-336-g38dc1-rapper-add-sodaq-autonomo)
>> RIOT low-level SPI driver test
>> This application enables you to test a platforms SPI driver
>> implementation.
>> Enter 'help' to get started
>>  > help
>> Command              Description
>> ---------------------------------------
>> init_master          Initialize node as SPI master
>> init_slave           Initialize node as SPI slave
>> send                 Transfer string to slave (only in master mode)
>> print_rx             Print the received string (only in slave mode)
>> reboot               Reboot the node
>>  >
>>  > init_master 0 0 23
>> SPI_0 successfully initialized as master, cs: GPIO_1090536471, mode: 0,
>> speed: 2
>>  >
>>  > send
>> Transfered 5 bytes:
>> MOSI   0    1    2    3    4
>>       0x9f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
>>        ??   ??   ??   ??   ??
>> MISO   0    1    2    3    4
>>       0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
>>        ??   ??   ??   ??   ??
>> It drives me nuts. Any hint is greatly appreciated.
>> -- Kees
>> On 08-07-16 19:03, Baptiste Clenet wrote:
>>> Autonomo  uses samd21 CPU? You use same driver as samr21?
>>> What's your problem?
>>> Are you sure your SPI Slave chip is working correctly?
>>> 2016-07-07 21:01 GMT+02:00 Kees Bakker <k...@sodaq.com>:
>>>> Ah, _now_ it makes sense. :-) Thanks for letting me know.
>>>> That leaves me with my own SPI problem. On my Autonomo I can't get
>>>> it to work. It is working with Arduino, but with RIOT (under
>>>> construction)
>>>> it's
>>>> not :-(
>>>> On 06-07-16 22:53, Baptiste Clenet wrote:
>>>>> Yes I know, I changed it to make it work :)  (SPI1)
>>>>> 2016-07-06 22:48 GMT+02:00 Kees Bakker <k...@sodaq.com>:
>>>>>> OK thanks. However, your remark about SPI1 puzzles me a bit,
>>>>>> because it
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> an incorrect PAD setting. PR #5609 fixed today.
>>>>>> On 05-07-16 23:21, Baptiste Clenet wrote:
>>>>>>> I can confirm that it works properly.
>>>>>>> SPI is used to communicate with the transceiver on samr21-xpro and
>>>>>>> communication works so SPI works, I used SPI1 also with no problem
>>>>>>> 2016-07-05 21:50 GMT+02:00 Kees Bakker <k...@sodaq.com>:
>>>>>>>> Hey,
>>>>>>>> Can someone confirm that SPI is working on the samr21-xpro board?
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to make SPI work on my Autonomo board, but I haven't
>>>>>>>> succeeded yet. FYI, I'm also reorganizing the code so there are a
>>>>>>>> lot
>>>>>>>> of parameters that can be of influence. I can't use the current code
>>>>>>>> because the pins and the SERCOMs are different.
>>>>>>>> It would help me to know that it works on samr21-xpro.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Kees Bakker
>>>>>>>> Founder
>>>>>>>> SODAQ
>>>>>>>> M. 0031617737165
>>>>>>>> www.sodaq.com
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> devel mailing list
>>>>>>>> devel@riot-os.org
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Kees Bakker
>>>>>> Founder
>>>>>> SODAQ
>>>>>> M. 0031617737165
>>>>>> www.sodaq.com
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> devel mailing list
>>>>>> devel@riot-os.org
>>>>>> https://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
>>>> --
>>>> Kees Bakker
>>>> Founder
>>>> SODAQ
>>>> M. 0031617737165
>>>> www.sodaq.com
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> devel mailing list
>>>> devel@riot-os.org
>>>> https://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
> --
> Peter Kietzmann
> Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
> Dept. Informatik, Internet Technologies Group
> Berliner Tor 7, 20099 Hamburg, Germany
> Fon: +49-40-42875-8426
> Web: http://www.haw-hamburg.de/inet
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> devel mailing list
> devel@riot-os.org
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