Hi Adeel,

GNRC in RIOT supports fragmentation, e.g. in the context of 6LowPAN.

However, you seem to be interested in sending UDP datagrams that exceed the MTU payload size. I don't think this is common use ... and I don't think this is clever, either. IP fragmentation is not an equivalent for data streaming.


On 18.08.2016 18:04, Adeel Mohammad Malik wrote:
Hi all,

My question is about fragmentation support in IP in RIOT. Does IP in
RIOT support fragmentation? The use case I am after is transferring a
large blob of data (let’s say 5 kilobytes) on the UDP/IP stack in RIOT.
Is that possible?

I know that 6LoWPAN supports fragmentation but that is below the IP
layer. I am interested in fragmentation at the IP layer so that
application running over it in RIOT can send large data.




Prof. Dr. Thomas C. Schmidt
° Hamburg University of Applied Sciences                   Berliner Tor 7 °
° Dept. Informatik, Internet Technologies Group    20099 Hamburg, Germany °
° http://www.haw-hamburg.de/inet                   Fon: +49-40-42875-8452 °
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