
Am Di, 6.09.2016, 08:50, schrieb Darren Bainbridge:

> I would like to connect with any developers working on a cc26x0 port.

I worked for a start-up which intended to use RIOT and the CC2650STK as a
platform for a future product. I left the company and had no time since
then to continue to work on it, which is a shame since I've had the
assumption that it wouldn't be that much work to a have basic working

> I would like to understand the ready-ness of any branches and willingness

The repository is over here


and the main branch is


We ran into some timer issues. If you have some time left, it would be
amazing if you would look into this. Also the actual interface to RIOT for
the driver is missing (meaning RIOT/drivers/cc26x0).

The IEEE 802.15.4 part needs some work and there was a bug I wanted to fix
(which should be doable).

I would like to do some refactoring of the radio code (the naming is not
really consistent since three different people were working on it) and we
could talk about the radio again? This would actually allow me to give you
a (better) summary what's working and what's not, and how things are
structured - if that's okay for you?

Anyway, I'm wondering what the best way would be to "centralize" the code
again. Clearly, I'm not going to contribute to the repository of my former
employer and the code is nowadays somehow spread across different

Dipl.-Inf. (FH), M. Sc. Michael Frey
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Computer Science
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin, Germany

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