On 30-10-16 10:55, Juergen Stuber wrote:
On Fri, 28 Oct 2016 10:03:17 +0200
Juergen Stuber <juer...@jstuber.net> wrote:
When you use shift and mask you usually do a single access for
all fields of a register.
Note that you shouldn't do it in two assignments
(I'm seeing this in cpu/stm32l1/periph/gpio.c):

     port &= ~mask;
     port |= (new_value << shift);

This will result in bigger code and the first assignment will write a
spurious value to the register, which might cause problems.

     port = (port & ~mask) | (new_value << shift);

is better. Or

     port = (port & ~mask)
          | (new_value1 << shift1)
          | (new_valueN << shiftN);

for multiple fields.


But this would not be a good example for (named) bitfields, because
in this example the bitfield is dynamic. (Depends on runtime value of
pin number.)
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