Hi Koen,

Thanks for your interest! I am working actively on Observe support for gcoap/nanocoap. I don't see a technical difficulty -- the biggest issue for me is time to work on it. :-/ My first goal is server-side support. I plan to create a WIP PR within a week or two, so at least there will be a place for discussions. You'll see a new branch in my repository before then, and I'm happy to discuss at any time.

If you are generally interested in contributing to CoAP within RIOT, both nanocoap and gcoap could use some help. There are a couple of open PRs for work on nanocoap. Certainly it would benefit from more documentation and unit tests, which are a great way to get into the code. I also maintain a wiki about gcoap [1], and also have written up some issues as 'notes to self' [2] but would be happy for someone to move them to official RIOT issues. gcoap also needs full-on confirmable messaging support, which actually is a requirement for Observe.


[1] https://github.com/kb2ma/RIOT/wiki/gcoap-Status
[2] https://github.com/kb2ma/RIOT/issues

On 01/10/2017 04:56 AM, Koen Zandberg wrote:

I was looking for a CoAP implementation to use with RIOT. Having looked
at both microcoap and nanocoap (gcoap), as far as I could tell both lack
observe support. Are there difficulties with implementing this? If there
are no blocking issues with it, I might be willing to spent some time
trying to get it working.


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