Hi Craig,

That's great news and I am stoked to see support for RISC-V in RIOT.

To my knowledge nobody put real effort into that yet. (I'm happy to be corrected!) If you need help or guidance on porting please don't hesitate to ask on this list.

Thanks and good luck for your funding proposal,


On 15 Jun 2017, at 2:53 PDT(-0700), Craig S. Steele wrote:

I am preparing a funding proposal in the U.S., and am contemplating a port of RIOT to the 32-bit RISC-V architecture. We have HiFive development boards from SiFive.com, as well as FPGA platforms, to work on a project trying to provide hardware security support for 32-bit RISC-V MCU variants.

It is helpful for the proposal process to know if anyone else is working on such a port to RISC-V. I have seen a question about that last year on the developers' email list, but have seen no indication that anyone is actually working on this port. If anyone is aware of any such effort at present, I'd appreciate that information.

Thanks in advance,

Craig Steele
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