
On 06/27/2017 09:42 AM, Peter Kietzmann wrote:
> Hi Koen,
> thanks for your explanations! Are you aware of the FIT IoT-lab testbed?
> https://www.iot-lab.info/
> This should give you access to several hundred iotlab-m3 nodes which are
> equipped with an at86rf231. There is also one site with some tens of
> samr21-xpros, equipped with an at86rf233.
You just made my day, I thought they only had nodes with the at86rf231
> Would be great if you keep me/us informed about your results :-).
I should have some slides with results this friday.

> Best
> Peter
> On 26.06.2017 12:36, Koen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For now this is all quite proof of concept. I haven't had the time to
>> measure the actual power saving.
>> There are still a few problems that limit the actual power saving. The
>> way I've implemented it now, only transmit power is limited. Before a
>> transmission, the radio power is configured, and almost immediately
>> after, the transmit power is set to full power again. This way L2 ACK
>> frames are always send at full power and the power scale algorithms of
>> nodes don't affect each other. Furthermore, if I have to believe the
>> datasheets, the radio's seem to also consume comparable current when in
>> RX-mode. For now, until I've confirmed the actual power draw of the
>> radio, I think the most benefits are in the reduced transmission range
>> and thus reduced interference between nodes.
>> The other limitation is that my implementation depends on the radio
>> reporting the frame retries. At least the mrf24j40 and the at86rf233
>> support this. I don't know about the kw2xrf. The other variants of the
>> at86rf2xx don't seem to support reporting the frame retries, they only
>> report whether at least an ACK was received or not.
>> I don't have any plans of repeated tests in network topologies at the
>> moment, mostly because I don't have a large enough network at my
>> disposal. I'm still trying to get at least repeatable results from my
>> small setup, but random interference makes this difficult. Any proposals
>> for this are welcome. I'd love to have some larger tests on node
>> interaction here. In the future I'd like to try to have RPL minimize
>> power consumption as a route metric.>
>> The actual power scaling algorithms I've implemented are based on TCP
>> congestion control. TCP congestion control also has the goal of
>> approaching a limit where loss occurs when the limit is passed. Two
>> algorithm are implemented: A "Reno" style additive increase,
>> multiplicative decrease and a "Cubic" approach style function. As soon
>> as I have some results where I can actually compare both algorithm I'll
>> share them here.
>> One of the other ideas for algorithms I've had so far was a PID kind of
>> control loop where a predefined ETX value is used as a setpoint. This
>> way a configurable amount of loss versus power saving might be achieved.
>> If somebody has a different proposal for an algorithm, I'd like to know.
>> I'm currently trying to use only ETX or other already known values
>> instead of a negotiating algorithm to keep the implementation compatible
>> with different nodes and/or operating systems.
>> Regards,
>> Koen
>> On 06/23/2017 09:03 AM, Peter Kietzmann wrote:
>>> Hi Koen,
>>> awesome! IMO this is interesting work and I'd like to push this forward,
>>> at least to use it myself at some point in time, though I can't promise
>>> an in-depth review so soon -> let's start polishing "later".
>>> Did you already start measurements of the actual consumption saving of a
>>> node? Do you plan to evaluate your approach in different network
>>> topologies?
>>> Cheers
>>> Peter
>>> On 22.06.2017 22:00, Koen Zandberg wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> For a small research project as a part of my study, I did some research
>>>> on the effectiveness of dynamic radio output scaling. The general idea
>>>> is that to save power, the radio has to transmit at only the power
>>>> required to reach the destination. For the research I wanted to build a
>>>> practical setup instead of a simulation as one of the research goals.
>>>> The setup I've build works by estimating the minimum required powered
>>>> and using layer 2 acks (or the lack thereof) as feedback. At this point
>>>> I have a mostly working power scaling proof of concept implemented in
>>>> RIOT. For an example measurement: https://bergzand.net/misc/etx5.svg
>>>> which is a measurement of a number of packets. The blue dots is an ETX
>>>> estimation measured based on the feedback from the radio module. The Red
>>>> line is the power configured for that packet. As visible, power is
>>>> scaled down until a stable level is reached. Power keeps oscillating
>>>> around this level until a lot of interference is noticed, then the power
>>>> sweeps back up.
>>>> The merit of this whole idea is that it should both save the node power,
>>>> but when implemented correctly also improve the total throughput of the
>>>> network. This last point because nodes transmit with less power, thus
>>>> causing less interference with nodes further away.
>>>> If there is interest in having this feature merged in mainline RIOT-os,
>>>> I'm willing to work on this to make sure that the code quality is as
>>>> required. The code can be viewed and tracked at
>>>> https://github.com/bergzand/RIOT/tree/mwn2
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Koen
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