Hi all, 

I've made a fair bit more progress on my Graphical Designer for RIOT and
other IoT systems. 

The project now has a name which is KayeIoT (pronounced like Coyote) and
lives on github here: 

 - https://github.com/clixx-io/kayeiot 

The principle behind this tool is that unlike Fritzing that focuses on
'wires', this tool focuses on 'cables' and 'pins'. 

It's a Tool for teaching and documenting IoT system. 

For example, you just add a Cable between Components and connect the
wires and pins as a detail. 

So it's like a Wiring-Harness tool that operates at the Cable level. 

The next step will be add in the detail so that the tool can
auto-generate Cable details from the Pin names. 

Then to animate a system by adding in Events and the appropriate Timers
which we all know make up the IoT systems that we work on. 

I guess it's still early days - but others are welcome to add feedback.
It is expected to be able to be released this year. 

I'm still keen to have close integration with RIOT and hope to have
something to show sometime soon. 


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