Dear RIOTers,

As part of the first phase towards the integration of Kconfig in RIOT,
a tracking list has been created [1]. In that issue we want to keep
track of the progress of configuration exposure (to Kconfig) for the
different modules in RIOT. Currently most of the listed modules are the
ones which have identified configuration options in Doxygen. In [2] we
are tracking which options have already been identified and which may
still need to be added to the Doxygen 'config' group.

There are already some PRs out there exposing parameters to Kconfig.
All help doing so for other modules is really appreciated.


Leandro Lanzieri Rodriguez
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Berliner Tor 7, 20099 Hamburg, Germany, Room 4.81c
Dept. Computer Science, Internet Technologies Group
Phone: +49 40 42875 - 8426

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