> On 3/16/2015 2:37 PM, Gedare Bloom wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Joel Sherrill
>> <joel.sherr...@oarcorp.com> wrote:
>>> I don't know if this has been posted or merged into the WIki.
>>> Alan, Gedare and I were discussing this earlier today. One thing
>>> to remember is that it is always possible something we think
>>> is 1/2 a summer is incredibly easy so bonus tasks should be
>>> defined for every student. In broad strokes, a possible breakdown
>>> could be.
>>> + Complete GPIO/I2C/SPI integration and add SD card
>>>   support (since it uses SPI)
>>> + USB and Network stack based on new BSP stack
> My understanding is that USB will need to be done first since
> the NIC is on the other side of USB.
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/Raspberry%20Pi
> makes it look like both USB and the NIC could come up easy.
> And there is the potential to leverage more code.
>>> + Raspberry Pi 2 optimization and SMP support
>>>   Basic support is merged but the cache is clearly
>>>   not in the right state based on benchmarks and
>>>   the MMU might need initialization based on an
>>>   early report from Alan. For sure, all capabilities
>>>   that work now or begin to work on the Pi1 will
>>>   need to be checked on Pi 2.
>> My intuition is there needs to be extra work added beyond just
>> fine-tuning the RPI2.
> +1 I just don't know what that is either. :)
>>> + User interface stack
>>>   This could include an HDMI/USB console, and perhaps a
>>>   port for the RTEMS graphics library. Obviously, you
>>>   can't use any USB devices for UI unless the USB stack
>>>   works so the USB effort would bring that up while
>>>   doing the graphics work. Then move to USB UI devices.
>> Avoid proposing any work that overlaps (conflict or dependent) on
>> another. No USB UI devices should be proposed.
> Yes. The first step of this one could be to get the Graphics Toolkit into
> the RSB.
> Then leave USB UI devices as bonus work.

BTW, what do you mean by USB UI device? Something like external video card?
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